Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the staff and volunteers of Hospice of Santa Cruz County, welcome to our blog, “Compassionate Connections.” Our intention behind this blog is to share stories and articles relating to hospice and palliative care, end-of-life experiences, caregiving, and the grief journey. You will find articles developed by Hospice of Santa Cruz County staff and trained volunteers as well as updates on general media coverage regarding end-of-life topics.

Each day, we provide professional medical care to the seriously ill, frail, and elderly, and extend expert care and compassion at the bedside. We honor the preciousness of life by helping individuals and their families better prepare for their last months and days. And by being accountable in the way we provide end-of-life care, we respond when you – the members of our community – need support.

We share this blog and information with our community as part of our organization’s mission, vision and values. Over the last 32 years, Hospice of Santa Cruz County has served thousands of patients and families at a precious time of life. We recognize that individuals and families are the guiding force in their own end-of-life experience. Our commitment is to offer expert, professional and compassionate care so that the end of life may be spent in comfort and with dignity.

This forum represents our shared value of building community awareness of hospice and end-of-life issues as part of the continuum of care. We hope you will find it informative and useful in caring for your family, friends and community.

Ann Carney Pomper
Executive Director

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